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Hannah and Yoli at the Zoo

These are the pictures me and Hannah took when she visited me in London not so long ago.. Mai Lee and Tchima.. have you been to the London Zoo in Regent Park? It was my first time going there..  :)
Har ar bilderna fran nar vi var pa Zoo tillsammans gumman.. tankte vara andra syskon kunde tycka det va kul o se dom
These are far from all pictures... if you want to see more, just ask me to upload them

the cutest

Varldens sotast rap killar pa America's Got Talent, det ar som Amerikanska "Talang". Dom sjunger "wappin" istallet for rappin.. for dom kan inte saga R.. sa sota...
I just wanted to show you this video clip, it's of three American little boys WAPPIN (rappin) on America's Got Talent.. they're too cute... xx

Hyde park

Welcome Mai Lee, Tchima and Yasmina to my blog! :)
Yesterday I went to Hyde Park with my boyfriend, and we went on the pedal boats. After that we tried out the New Barclays Bike hire- bikes. There are now bikes all over London that you can hire for a cheap price and use during the day. When you are finished, you just put it back in a bike- dock. Maybe something we all could do together in the future?xx

Hej Hannah, nu hoppas jag vara andra syskon laser bloggen med :) !! Igar var jag och Abz i Hyde Park och testade tramp batar, det va kul! Det kan vi gora nasta gang du kmr. Sedan testade vi de nya Barclays cyklarna, det ar cyklar som finns att Hyra runt om i hela London, nar man e klar med den staller man tillbaka den i vilket cykelstall man vill.
Hoppas vi alla kan testa det tillsammans snart! xx

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